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Newsworthy NotablesCodeword: Turducken
The author's iconChristopher R. RiceNov 1, 2023

It’s a monstrous thing. Unnatural, yet so right. A truly American delight. What do I speak of? What do I whisper of in hushed tones for fear that others might hear me? Why the turducken of course. It’s an eldritch being of immense power and delicious privilege. But…what’s this got to do with Haptic? Are we making it? Are we spreading it’s unknown faith in the name of all the old gods and the new? No, we just like that word. It’s a three-syllable word for three types of bird. But it does get you 50% for the entire month of November for server hosting for our supported games. (This discount automatically pops up at check out!). Imagine that, half off. And you know…maybe you’ll make some turducken. Check out this great recipe from Serious Eats.

It's a turducken plated properly
You too, can craft this beauty

So while you're waiting for your beautiful creation to cook, remember to use code TURDUCKEN at checkout to get 50% off all game servers when you join the club now, until the end of November.

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The Author
The author's icon
Christopher R. Rice@RavenpennyChristopher R. Rice has authored, co-authored, or contributed to fifteen gaming supplements (and counting!) on a range of subjects and many articles from various magazines. Of course, if he's not writing about gaming, he's blogging about it. Visit his site, Ravens N' Pennies — for more goodies — or consider joining his Patreon. He's an old school gamer with a particular love for rogue-likes, RPGs, the Zelda franchise, and the Diablo franchise.

Game Servers with a Touch of Magic

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