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Multiple tiles of stylized Haptic art on either side of the three product icons for Duo Server, Squad Server, and Raid Server with a giant white coiled spring, dancing around to celebrate Haptic game servers coming online.
Launch DayHaptic, Online
The author's iconStoutbeardJun 27, 2022

Ding! Your game server just leveled up.

Haptic is the best way to connect with your friends while playing games like Minecraft, Valheim, and more. With incredibly cool built in features like Backpack, all of your game servers will be just a click away.

Valheim, and Minecraft game instance tiles being displayed in the user's Haptic Backpack.
Haptic Backpack with five different game instances stashed.

Take command of your game server with Server Slots

Designed to be natural and intuitive, Server Slots give you a quick rundown of what's going on with your game server. On the outside, you'll notice each Server Slot comes with basic controls and real-time in-game information. Go deeper by hitting the Configure button to manage the nitty-gritty details of each of your game servers.

Haptic Duo Server Slot that is hosting a Valheim server. The Valheim game server shows 8 players playing with a status of online.
Duo Server Slot with Valheim equipped.

There's a lot more

  • Craft a new game server any time you like and stash it in your backpack for later.

  • Connect immediately on steam by hitting the Join button on your Server Slot.

  • Backup all the things with automated game world backups for each of your game servers.

  • Expertly crafted designs when adding multiple Server Slots to your account so you can control your own command center.

  • Much more to explore, and new innovative features already in the pipeline.

Haptic was founded, hand-built, and designed by three best buds who love gaming together. We are passionate about making it easier and cheaper to play games with your friends. Come join us in game, or connect with us through Discord.

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The Author
The author's icon
Stoutbeard@haptic_chrisStoutbeard is Haptic's UI/UX engineer. When not coding up new features, reimagining what the UI should look and feel like, or cracking the whip on his colleagues to work harder, Stoutbeard likes to play games, doodle in Figma, and be a general irritant to his friends.

Game Servers with a Touch of Magic

Haptic logo© Haptic, LLC — 2025