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Terraria hero looking out into a mountainous landscape.
New GameIntroducing: Terraria Servers
The author's iconStoutbeardOct 19, 2022

Ka-CHING! That’s the sound your Haptic game server just made.

We're excited to announced the support for Terraria servers, starting today! Just save and swap your current game server with Terraria to get in on some of that adventurous 2D building action.

Wait a second

Have you not tried Haptic yet? Join the online sensation and make yourself a free Terraria server!

Terraria is a procedurally generated, sandbox adventure game built in a 2D world where you and your friends dig, fight explore, and build together. At its core though, this is an RPG-like survival game with a large variety of monsters. Think 2D Minecraft.

Mixing in loads of action, creative building, a unique game engine, all the while playing online with friends, makes Terraria a truly special experience. You start with a few basic tools to gather resources, fend off weird creatures, and build your own structures. Make it relaxed in an all new journey mode or start sweating by ramping it up to expert difficultly. Granular control of difficulty, and many other settings, is up to you with deep game integrations built into every Haptic server plan.

Your own Terraria server

Save and swap all your games for free, powered by Haptic.

  • Easily change game mode, difficulty, and other options without messing with text files.

  • Stash multiple Terraria instances with different worlds and options in your Backpack and switch between them in seconds.

  • Your creations are safe with us - automatic daily world backups.

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The Author
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Stoutbeard@haptic_chrisStoutbeard is Haptic's UI/UX engineer. When not coding up new features, reimagining what the UI should look and feel like, or cracking the whip on his colleagues to work harder, Stoutbeard likes to play games, doodle in Figma, and be a general irritant to his friends.

Game Servers with a Touch of Magic

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