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Minecraft 1.20 Trails & Tales update hero art with camels, archeology and more.
Newsworthy NotablesM-M-Minecraft Trails & Tales Update
The author's iconChristopher R. RiceMay 26, 2023

Minecraft is coming out with a new update on June 7th, 2023 and man does it look going. This post is going to be fairly short as we will need to see how it plays to determine how much we like it (or not). But all the updates I’ve seen just make it look awesome. Trails and Tales promises to be one of the best things we’ve seen in a while. They’re introducing a ton of new blocks and craftables (the bamboo looks especially awesome) and the thing I’m most excited about: the new archaeology system.

To use it you need some suspicious gravel or sand (hehe, the sand is suss, hehe) and a brush. The dig sites randomly spawn (and only in the Overworld) and it takes forever to dig into them (though I got to admit the animation for it is pretty as it takes off a small level at a time via the brush). They are basically in cobblestone structures/ruined buildings. It’s essentially another way to gather loot (even diamonds, which is pretty cool), but in a really neat and interesting way.

They’ve also got some new items like pottery you can make and put up around your base to make it look and feel more homey.

The Smithing Table along with some other items allows for customized gear of all shapes and sizes. This requires things like Amethyst Shards or Nether Quartz2 to do.

Minecraft 1.20 camels.
Image credit: Mojang

They also got a new mount: the camel. This one is pretty cool in that you can have two characters ride it at once. It naturally spawns in desert areas but you can take it wherever.

They played around on the backend some to give some quality-of-life fixes and help out those who like to mod their games.

Overall, it looks really great and I might have to reinstall Minecraft just so I can play it. Don't forget to let us know what you think of the update!

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The Author
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Christopher R. Rice@RavenpennyChristopher R. Rice has authored, co-authored, or contributed to fifteen gaming supplements (and counting!) on a range of subjects and many articles from various magazines. Of course, if he's not writing about gaming, he's blogging about it. Visit his site, Ravens N' Pennies — for more goodies — or consider joining his Patreon. He's an old school gamer with a particular love for rogue-likes, RPGs, the Zelda franchise, and the Diablo franchise.

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