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Level Up!Terraria Best Practices Part II
The author's iconChristopher R. RiceAug 15, 2023

And we’re back! As promised, we’re talking about base-building, spelunking, and boss prep – all really important aspects of the game. So buckle up and here… We… Go…

Building Best Practices

Building a well-designed and functional base in Terraria is crucial for efficient gameplay and survival. Here are ten best practices to consider when constructing your base:

  1. Plan and Organize: Before you start building, take some time to plan your base layout. Decide on the number of rooms you'll need for NPCs, storage areas, crafting stations, and specific zones for different activities like farming, crafting, and combat.

  2. Use Appropriate Materials: Use sturdy and visually appealing materials for your base. As you progress through the game, you'll gain access to different types of blocks and furniture. Experiment with different combinations to achieve the look and feel you desire.

  3. Defensive Design: Incorporate defensive elements into your base's design. Use traps, lava pits, or strategically placed walls and platforms to fend off enemies during invasions or events.

  4. Background! Player-placed background walls, and the presence of NPCs forming towns, decreases the enemy spawn rate – but those can be negated by blood moons. Completely blocking enemy spawns is annoying and difficult.

  5. Include NPC Housing: Make sure you have designated rooms for each NPC to move into. A suitable house requires a door, a table, a chair, and a light source. Providing comfortable and functional accommodation ensures they'll move in quickly and offer their services. Each NPC has its own requirements before they'll spawn. Some examples are:

    • Merchant: You must have 50 silver in your inventory.

    • Nurse: Merchant present and player has over 100 HP through life crystal use.

    • Demolitionist: Player needs an explosive in their inventory and the merchant present.

    • Golfer:  Must be located in the underground desert.

  6. Vertical Expansion: Terraria's world is not just flat; it extends both horizontally and vertically. Utilize this vertical space to create multiple levels for various purposes like storage, crafting, and farming.

  7. Separate Biomes: To access resources from different biomes, you can create separate sections of your base that mimic various environments. This way, you can farm biome-specific items conveniently. Optionally, place enough blocks from a specific biome and you can force that specific biome's monsters to spawn, which is sometimes useful for farming specific drops

  8. Hidden Rooms and Passages: Get creative and incorporate hidden rooms, secret passages, or trapdoors in your base. These not only add an element of surprise, but can also be useful for storage or escape routes during emergencies. The mechanic is going to be your best friend for this as he sells actuators.

  9. Accessibility and Mobility: Design your base with ease of movement in mind. Utilize platforms, stairs, and rope to make it simple to traverse vertically and horizontally.

  10. Expansion and Flexibility: Plan your base in a way that allows for future expansion and modifications. As you progress, you'll acquire more items, NPCs, and resources, and your base should be able to accommodate these changes.

Remember, building a base in Terraria is a personal and creative process. There's no right or wrong way to design it, as long as it suits your playstyle and provides a safe and functional environment for your character to thrive in the world of Terraria.

Spelunking Best Practices

Spelunking, or exploring underground caves and caverns, is a significant part of Terraria's gameplay. It's essential to be well-prepared and cautious while delving into the depths. Here are ten best practices for successful spelunking in Terraria:

  1. Equip Proper Gear: Before venturing underground, equip appropriate gear. Essential items include a strong pickaxe for mining ores, a weapon for self-defense, a light source like torches or mining helmets, and accessories that enhance mobility and survivability. A grappling hook is a must! 15 gems of the same type will allow you to craft one. Also, there are mobility accessories, such as climbing claws, clouds in bottles, and hermes boots.

  2. Bring Potions: Prepare a variety to aid you during exploration. Potions like Spelunker Potions (highlight nearby ores and treasures), Night Owl Potions (increases visibility in the dark), and Mining Potions (increases mining speed) can be incredibly useful.

  3. Build Safe Tunnels: As you explore, create safe tunnels to avoid falling into traps, getting lost, or encountering deadly enemies. Use platforms to build bridges over lava or hazardous areas.

  4. Mark Your Path: Use different colored torches, ropes, or other markers to indicate the paths you've already explored. This helps you avoid retracing your steps and assists in finding your way back to the surface.

  5. Look for Hidden Passages: Keep an eye out for hidden passages, especially in large underground areas. Some may lead to valuable loot, while others might contain traps or dangerous enemies.

  6. Beware of Traps: Be cautious when breaking pots or smashing altars, as they may trigger traps like boulders or dart traps. Always check the surroundings before mining or looting.

  7. Collect Resources: Underground caves hold valuable resources like ores, gems, and heart crystals. Collect them to improve your gear and increase your health.

  8. Watch Your Health and Buffs: Pay attention to your health, and don't hesitate to use healing potions when needed. Keep track of your buffs, and refresh them when they run out to stay prepared for potential dangers. Don’t forget about potion sickness!

  9. Defeat Key Enemies: Certain enemies, like Mimics (especially hardcore versions), can drop valuable items. Be on the lookout for these special enemies and defeat them to obtain rare loot.

  10. Explore Different Depths: Terraria's underground is divided into different layers, each with its unique resources and challenges. Explore various depths to find specific ores and treasures that become available as you progress through the game. Don’t forget sky islands and remember to bring a bucket of water when dealing with lava.

Remember, spelunking can be both rewarding and hazardous. Always be prepared, take your time, and stay alert to make the most out of your underground adventures in Terraria.

Boss Preparation Best Practices

Preparing for boss battles in Terraria is crucial for success, as each boss presents unique challenges and requires different strategies. Here are ten best practices to help you prepare for boss battles effectively:

  1. Upgrade Gear: Before attempting a boss fight, ensure that your weapons, armor, and accessories are the best available at your current stage in the game. Look for gear that complements your preferred playstyle (melee, ranged, magic, or summoning).

  2. Farm Potions: Stock up on various potions to boost your stats during battles. Important potions include Healing Potions, Buff Potions (e.g., Ironskin, Regeneration, Swiftness), and specific boss-related potions (e.g., Archery Potion for ranged bosses).

  3. Arena Building: Construct an arena designed for the specific boss you're facing. Depending on the boss's movement patterns, incorporate platforms, campfires, heart lanterns, and honey pools to improve mobility and survivability during the fight.

  4. Create Buff Stations: Set up stations with heart lanterns, campfires, and honey pools to provide continuous health regeneration and movement speed boosts during the battle.

  5. Boss Summoning Time: Make sure you summon the boss at the right time of day. Some bosses have specific summoning requirements, like nighttime or certain in-game events, to be fought effectively.

  6. Clear the Area: Clear out any obstacles and enemies near your boss arena. A clean and obstacle-free environment allows you to focus solely on the boss's movements and attacks.

  7. Study Boss Patterns: Before the battle, study the boss's attack patterns and movements by watching gameplay videos or reading guides. Understanding their behavior will help you anticipate their attacks and respond accordingly.

  8. Use Accessories Wisely: Equip accessories that enhance your survivability, mobility, and damage output. Popular choices include Wings for flight, Shield of Cthulhu for dashing, and Frostspark Boots for increased movement speed.

  9. Summon Minions: If you're using summoner gear, summon minions to aid you during the fight. These minions can deal additional damage and distract the boss, giving you more opportunities to attack safely.

  10. Practice and Patience: Boss battles can be challenging, so don't get discouraged if you fail on your first attempt – or even the third. Practice the fight, learn from your mistakes, and be patient. With each try, you'll improve your strategy and timing.

Remember that different bosses require different approaches, and what works for one boss might not work for another. Adapt your preparations and strategies accordingly to conquer the bosses in Terraria and progress through the game successfully.

Final Thoughts

I think I like the spelunking aspect of this game the most (that and the gonzo items) out of any of its other fun activities. Reminds me of when I was younger and my grandfather would take the kids and grandkids to famous caves or underground springs. His idea of keeping us occupied was to give us shovels and picks and tell us to dig a hole in the backyard. I’m not ashamed to say it worked more often than not.

Also, Dig Dug. Ya gotta love Dig Dug. And Lemmings. ALL the Lemmings.

As always, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you think may be the best practices for Terraria!

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The Author
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Christopher R. Rice@RavenpennyChristopher R. Rice has authored, co-authored, or contributed to fifteen gaming supplements (and counting!) on a range of subjects and many articles from various magazines. Of course, if he's not writing about gaming, he's blogging about it. Visit his site, Ravens N' Pennies — for more goodies — or consider joining his Patreon. He's an old school gamer with a particular love for rogue-likes, RPGs, the Zelda franchise, and the Diablo franchise.

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