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How to cancel my subscription

How to cancel my subscription

You can cancel any of your active Server Slots at any time by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you're signed into your Haptic account.

  2. Under Account, select the Cancel plan link inside your Server Slot subscription card.

  3. You will be asked whether or not you are sure to cancel your Server Slot.

  4. Please note: You will be given the chance to downgrade your Server Slot plan at a reduced price should you decide to stick around.

  5. If you are sure you would like to cancel, simply select the Finish Cancellation button.

Your Server Slot will still be active until the end of your billing cycle. You may stop the cancellation at any point before your billing cycle ends, and your Server Slot will no longer be in a cancellation state with a dotted outline.

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Game Servers with a Touch of Magic

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